Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Beginning

Well, tomorrow will be the start of my Summer Vacation. At 12.05 (or 2.25 contractually speaking) my first year of teaching will finally come to an end. I know that I am supposed to reflect, reflect, revise, reflect upon my reflections, and then devise ways to improve upon my teaching. And I want to do that. Honest.


But right now I would love to take my first year of teaching and seal it up in the same envelope that I seal my classroom key in... and forget about it. The end of my year was messy. I got my already tired self (and students) ensnared in a novel that I hadn't thoroughly researched and wasn't entirely "into." Combine that with an increase in misbehavior (throughout the cluster) and a decrease in morale and the resulting effect was drag. Drag.


I wish it had gone differently. I already know that next year I want to increase the number and and variety of novels being read, and perhaps move the novel unit to mid-winter.


I want to reflect, read, grow, and learn. I really do, but I know who I am and what I am. I am the June 16th Word of the Day: Dilatory. It means procrastinating. It is not related to the word dilettante in case you were wondering. And so I have decided that I will try to stick to my goals using this blog in which I will record my efforts.

Summer 2008 Goals
  1. To daily expand my mind in some worthwhile manner in regards to my subject matter (English), the pedagogy of teaching English, or YA literature
  2. Reacquaint myself with healthy living (a.k.a. the gym)
  3. Write regularly
  4. Finish Masters Portfolio
  5. Enjoy myself

and so it begins...

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