Monday, September 29, 2008

Contemporary Musing on Fairy Tale Infatuation: A Chick Lit Read

The Frog Prince (Adult Fiction) by Jane Porter.

This was a book from the book bin in the teacher's room. A colleague had it, lent it to another, and it finally found its way to me. Honestly, I doubted whether I should read past the first few chapters. It seemed old. It seemed uncomfortable. Honestly, it started off in all the ways that chick lit does; and in the end, it pretty much wrapped up in the same way too. But like all good chick lit, it was fun and silly and vaguely uplifting. And like all chick lit, I definitely felt myself angry for living in this podunk town. Argh. I've always wanted to live some place urban; someplace where I could forgo the necessity of a car. (Ha! I just financed a new car!) Like most chick lit, it made me feel a bit old and a bit behind, since most of the protagonists are younger and seem more professionally advanced than I am. But enough of my kvetching.

This is a great weekend read. Really. A solid B+, temptingly perhaps an A-. But that's only within the definition of chick lit.

What's Next? IDK.

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