Sunday, April 10, 2011


by Michael Grant

In the third installment of the Gone series, way too many things happen... So it's business as usual for the world of the FAYZ.
  • Sam has ceded control over to the council: A council that is much to slow to make decisions or take action.
  • The Human Crew forms; it's a freak-hate group.
  • A prophetess named Orsay is communicating with those outside the FAYZ.
  • Mary Terrafino, who cares for the children in the nursery, has become overburdened and under-medicated. 
  • Astrid and Sam argue.
  • Oh, and Brittany - the girl who died during the nuclear power plant fight - comes back from the dead.
  • And Drake, too.
Listen, tons of other stuff develops, too, but I read this book two weeks ago. Grade-wise, I would probably give this a C+. Too much happens, and the storyline becomes burdensome with so many different angles to it. However, there were a few redeeming qualities. Astrid's character is developed more. She's conflicted and arrogant. In a way, she's one of the better developed characters. Grant has gone about giving this goody-goody such sharp edges that make her hard to like. Unlike, strangley, the bad-girl Diana, with whom (I assume) most readers probably empathize. I found the whole storyline with Mary Terrafino to be terribly long and boring. For a girl suffering from way too much responsibility, depression, and an eating disorder, I found it hard to even want to pay attention to her.

So, all in all, this book had its slow moments. But in the end, it's about the mystery of the Darkness and Little Pete. What does this five-year old autistic child have to do with the FAYZ?

Grade: C+

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