Sunday, November 16, 2008

More Reads

Night Shift by Stephen King.
Excellent, excellent book of short stories. In particular, "Night Surf" was unbelievable. One of the best endings to a short story that I have read in ages.

Bone (YA) by Jeff Smith.
After a few years of recommending this graphic novel to kids, I finally took my own advice. Now, I am not a fan of comics or graphic novels. Although my kid sister went through an exceptionally long, intense animae/manga phase, I couldn't bear to read one. I really did enjoy the Maus series, and I have read City of Light, City of Dark by Avi. But that's about it.

It didn't take me long to get into this; it only took me the will power to get over my stubborn reluctance to go comic book. The illustrations are charming (I think that probably sounds like an insult, but it's not meant to be), and easy on the eye. The three characters from Bone, when together, got on my nerves immensely. However, when alone were bearable. Soon after the first few pages, Fone Bone, the protagonist, is separated from the others. He meets up with several fantastical characters: a talking preying mantis-type creature and its giant cousin, man-sized rats, and a dragon. All of whom can talk. He is then helped by the beautiful Thorn, a human girl, and her wily grandma.

This is high fantasy. But it works. I'm eager to get the second edition.

Grade: A

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