Saturday, August 2, 2008

Christmas in July: Mission Completed

Good News!

On August 1st, I finished Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Huzzah for the good reader! I accomplished my goal of Christmas in July!

That's book 12.

Now on to The Outsiders. Now in the past when I have said, "I'm reading The Outsiders," that was usually code for "I'm going to read the first few chapters" or "I'm going to skim through it." In truth, I don't have a lot of motivation for reading it in its entirety. The only motivating factor is that it is an available novel at my school. We'll see if I really read it or not. You see, tonight I plan on convincing my husband to stop at a bookstore with me. While there I will salivate over the new Meyers' book Breaking Dawn. But I'm also interested in Thirteen Reasons Why and The Dead and the Gone (Pfeffer's companion book to Life As We Knew It). There's even a few adult books I really want to read, including McBride's (?) Miracle at St. Anna.

So will I resist the siren song of Barnes & Noble? Or will I remain resolute and strong and read The Outsiders?

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